Lee Drama reel from Lee Kholafai on Vimeo.
Lee Kholafai Drama Acting Reel
Timeline Photos
Repost from @leekholafai Always repping for the home team @cityofangelsbox #boxing #nike #dtla #jordans #fitness #sweat #alabama #alabamafootball #crimsontide #ncaa #sec #secfootball #rolltide #rolltideroll #fighting #warrior #beastmode that's right let's do this 6 pm with Dawn North aka #vanillagold #bootymaster 7 pm with the #freakincostarrican 8 pm with @kidyamaka #allclass #kiyamaka No excuses #nodaysoff #uscbabes #atwatervillage #chinatown #dtla #la #silverlake #weho #hollywood #actors #beverlyhills #getfitnothit #bestgyminla #beverlyhills #bestboxingworkoutinla
Timeline Photos
Repost from @leekholafai Always repping for the home team @cityofangelsbox #boxing #nike #dtla #jordans #fitness #sweat #alabama #alabamafootball #crimsontide #ncaa #sec #secfootball #rolltide #rolltideroll #fighting #warrior #beastmode that's right let's do this 6 pm with Dawn North aka #vanillagold #bootymaster 7 pm with the #freakincostarrican 8 pm with @kidyamaka #allclass #kiyamaka No excuses #nodaysoff #uscbabes #atwatervillage #chinatown #dtla #la #silverlake #weho #hollywood #actors #beverlyhills #getfitnothit #bestgyminla #beverlyhills #bestboxingworkoutinla
Actor & Model @[72428903291:274:Lee Kholafai] with the www.iamROCKIT.com shirt !!!www.leekholafai.com — with Lee Kholafai and 2 others at Hollywood Walk of Fame.