Lee Drama reel from Lee Kholafai on Vimeo.
Lee Kholafai Drama Acting Reel
- Check out my latest interview! http://www.axs.com/lee-kholafai-s-life-is-a-product-of-chance-27903
Lee Kholafai's life is a product of chance
Life is a game of chance. A small choice just to simply go somewhere on vacation can shape the future of a lifetime. That’s how fates are...Coming soon! Playing Officer Langham in Opus of an Angel
Timeline Photos
Ay #papi! This pic of actor & director @[72428903291:274:Lee Kholafai] is making us want to hit the beach this #4thofJuly weekend!!! What about you?#sexy #papiunderwearhttp://www.pinterest.com/pin/113293746845927495/